王加生教授 ,男, 1955年1月出生
Carcinogenesis 等20种英文杂志审稿人;
美国科罗拉多州 ADA Technologies, Inc.Mycotoxin Detection 技术顾问
2003-至今,美国毒理学会华人毒理分会,秘书长,候任理事长 ( President-elect)
1994-1995, 美国约翰霍普金斯大学分子流行病学,博士后;
1990-1994, 美国波士顿大学医学院,病理与免疫学专业,博士;
1978-1981, 上海第一医学院预防医学系,营养与食品卫生专业,硕士;
1975-1978, 上海第一医学院预防医学系,本科。
1992-1993 美国麻省理工学院毒理中心 ,兼职研究员
1990-1993,美国波士顿大学医学院,病理学系 ,研究助理
1. 1 RO1 CA 90997-05 Wang (PI) 06/16/03 – 05/31/09
NCI/NIH $1,834,573/whole project
Chemoprevention of green tea polyphenols on liver cancer
The major goal of this project is to study chemopreventive effect of green tea polyphenols on reducing various carcinogen biomarkers and incidence of primary liver cancer in a 5-year clinical trial in 1,800 high-risk people.
2. ECG-A-00-07-00001-00 Wang (PI) 01/01/2008-12/31/2012
USAID/Peanut CRSP $990,000
Development of methods for establishing a global network for aflatoxin exposure
The major goal of this project is to develop analytical method for measurement of blood samples collected from world-wide and to establish a global aflatoxin exposure network using biomarker as approach.
3. W911SR-04-C0050 Wang (PI) 10/01/2000 – 8/12/2008
Combinative Toxicity Studies of Biotoxin Mixtures
The major goal of this research contract is to study acute toxicity of various biotoxin mixtures in rats and fish model and to develop method to detect these biotoxin mixtures in environmental samples and biological fluids.
4. 1R21AT003735-01A1 (Shen) 09/01/2007-08/31/2009
NCCAM/NIH $572,720/whole period
GTP and Tai Chi for Bone Health: a Pilot Study
The major goal of this project is to conduct a clinical trial for assessing Tai Chi and green tea polyphenols in enhance bone health in women.
Role: TTU-PI
1. 1RO1AT004655-01A Wang (PI) 06/01/2009 – 05/31/2014
$1,830,931/whole period
Molecular Basis of Individual Response to Green Tea Polyphenols
The major goal of this research grant is to use Omics tool to study molecular basis of individual responses to green tea polyphenols through use of samples collected from previous clinical trial.
2. 1RO1ES016744-01A Wang (PI) 07/01/2009-06/30/2014
NIEHS $1,831,250/whole project
Molecular Biomarkers of Human Mycotoxicoses
The major goal of this research proposal is to validate and refine panels of biological response indicators representing exposure to foodborne mycotoxins such as aflatoxins and fumonisins and predicting the pathogenesis of human mycotoxicoses in high-risk populations.
1. Trichothecene Mycotoxin Studies, 1983-1987, United States Army Medical Research and Development Command (Contract No. DAMD17-85-C-5208);
2. Studies of Fossil Fuel Combustion Products, 1988-1993 NIEHS (Grant No. P01-ES01640);
3. Mechanisms of Regulation of Actin-based Microfilaments, 1991-1995, NIGMS (Grant No. GM37590);
4. Neutrophil Studies, 1986-1991, NHLBI (Grant No.HL 33565);
5. Training Program in Environmental Health Sciences, 1994, NIEHS (Grant No. ES07141);
6. Molecular Biomarkers For Environmental Carcinogens, 1993-1997; 1997-2002, NIEHS P01 ES06052. Role: Co-investigator
7. DAAD13-00-C-0056 10/01/2000-09/30/2001
SBCCOM, DOD $499,999
Combinative Toxicity of Biotoxin Mixtures
Role: PI
8. DAAD13-01-C-0053 10/01/01 – 03/31/03
SBCCOM, DOD $434,564/year
Combinative Toxicity of Biotoxin Mixtures
Role: PI
9. RO3 ES11442 09/01/02 – 08/31/03
NIEHS $73,000/year; $146,000/whole project
Modulation of Oxidated Damage by Tea Polyphenols
Role: PI
10. DAAD13-02-C-0070 10/01/02 – 03/31/04
SBCCOM, DOD $642,560
Combinative Toxicity of Biotoxin Mixtures
Role: PI
11. R21 CA94683-03 10/01/01 – 8/31/05
NCI $182,500/first year; $547,500/whole project
Validation of Fumonisin and Microcystin Biomarkers
Role: PI
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:
Tang, L., Xu, L., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Liu, W., Wang, P., Tang, Y., Wang, Z., Henry J. Huebner, H. J., Ankrah, N.-A., Ofori-Adjei, D., Williams, J. H., Wang, J.-S., and Phillips, T. D. (2008). Aflatoxin-albumin adducts correlates with decreased serum levels of vitamins A and E in an adult Ghanaian population. Food Additives & Contam, In press
Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Wang, Z., Ankrah, N-A., Johnson, N. M., Tang, L., Xu, L., Ofosuhene, M., Kumi, J., Huebner, H. J., Jolly, P. E., Ellis, Taylor, R., Brattin, B., W. O., Ofori-Adjei, D., Williams, J. H., Wang, J-S., and Phillips, T. D. (2008) Clinical intervention trial with NovaSil clay in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis: Nutrient utilization and non-nutritional factors. Food Additives & Contam, In press
Jiang, Y., Jolly, P. E., Preko, P. O., Wang, J.-S., Ellis, W. O., Williams, J. H. and Phillips, T. D. (2008) Aflatoxin related immune dysfunction in health and in human immunodeficiency virus disease. Clinic. Develop. Immunol. Article ID 790309, doi:10.1155/2008/790309.
Tang, L., Tang, M., Xu, L., Luo, H., Huang, T., Yu, J., Zhang, L., Cox, SB., Gao, W.-M and Wang, J.-S. (2008). Modulation of Aflatoxin Biomarkers in Human Blood and Urine by Green Tea Polyphenols Intervention. Carcinogenesis 29(2):411-417.
Wang, J.-S., Luo, H., Wang, P. Tang, L., Yu, J., Huang, T., Cox, S. B., Gao, W. (2008). Validation of Green Tea Polyphenol Biomarkers in a Phase II Human Intervention Trial. Food Chem Toxicol. 46:232-240.
Shen, C.-L., P. Wang., Guerrier, J., Yeh, J. K. and J.-S. Wang (2008) Protective effect of green tea polyphenols on bone loss in middle-aged female rats. Osteopros Int. 19(7):979-990.
Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Ankrah, N.-A., Huebner, H. J., Ofosuhene, M., Kumi, J., Johnson, N. M., Tang, L., Xu, L., Jolly, P.E., Ellis, W. O., Ofori-Adjei, D., Williams, J. H., Wang, J.-S. & Phillips, T. D. (2008). NovaSil clay intervention in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis. I. Study design and clinical outcomes. Food Additives & Contam, 25(1):76-87.
Phillips, T. D., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Williams, J., Huebner, H., N-A. Ankrah, N-A., Ofori-Adjei, D., Jolly, P., Johnson, N., Taylor, J., Marroquin-Cardona, A., Xu, L., Tang, L., Wang, J.-S. (2008). Reducing Human Exposure to Aflatoxin through Use of Clay. Food Additives & Contam, 25(2):134-145.
Billam, M., Mukhi, S., Tang, L., Gao, W., and Wang, J.-S. (2008) Toxic response indicators of microcystin-LR in F344 rats following a single dose treatment. Toxcon 51(6):1068-1080.
Wang, P., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Tang, Y., Johnson,N. M., Xu, L., Tang, L., Huebner, H. J., Ankrah, N.-A., Ofori-Adjei, D., Ellis, W., Jolly, P. E., Williams, J. H., Wang, J.-S., Phillips, T. D. (2008).NovaSil clay intervention in Ghanaians at high risk for aflatoxicosis: II. Reduction in biomarkers of aflatoxin exposure in blood and urine, Food Additives & Contam, 25 (5):622-634.
Cai, Q., Tang, L. and Wang, J.-S. (2007). Validation of fumonisin biomarkers in F344 rats. Toxicol Appl. Pharmacol. 225:28-39.
Tang, L., Guan H., Ding, X. and Wang, J.-S. (2007). Modulation of aflatoxin toxicity and biomarkers by lycopene in F-344 rats. Toxicol Appl. Pharmacol. 219:10-17.
Sun, G., Wang, S., Hu, X., Su, J., Huang, T., Yu, J., Tang, L., Gao, W. and Wang, J.-S. (2007). Fumonisin B1 contamination of home-grown corn in high-risk areas of esophageal and liver cancers in China. Food Additives & Contam. 24(2):181-185.
Dash, B., Afriyie-Gyawu, E, Huebner, H. J., Porter, W., Wang, J.-S, Jolly, P. E.,Phillips, T. D. (2007). Determinants of the variability of aflatoxin-albumin adduct levels in Ghanaians. J Toxicol. Environ. Health Part A 70:58-66.
Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O., Awuah, R. T., Appawu, J., Nnedu, O., Stiles, J. K., Wang, J-S., Adjei, O., Jolly, C. M., Williams, J. H. (2007). Association between aflatoxin exposure and health characteristics, liver function, hepatitis and malaria infections in Ghanaians. J. Nutri & Environ. Med. 16 (3):1-16.
Luo, H., Cox, SB., Gao, W.-M., Yu, J., Tang, L. and Wang, J.-S. (2006). Metabolic Profiling in Validation of Plasma Biomarkers for Green Tea Polyphenols. Metabolomics, 2(4):235-241.
Wang, Z., Tang, L., Sun, G., Tang, Y., Xie, Y., Wang, S., Hu, X., Gao, W., Cox, S. B. and Wang J.-S. (2006). Etiological study of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in an endemic region: a population-based case control study in Huaian, China. BMC Cancer 2006, 6:287 doi:10.1186/1471-2407-6-287
Pan XP, Zhang BH, Tian K, Jones LE, Liu J, Anderson TA, Wang J.-S.,Cobb GP (2006). Liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX). Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom 20:2222-2226.
Egner, PA, Groopman, JD., Wang, J.-S., Kensler, TW., and Friesen, MD (2006). Quantification of aflatoxin B1-N7-guanine in human urine by HPLC-Isotope-Dilution Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 18:1191-1195.
Wang, S-L., He, X-Y., Shen, J., Wang, J.-S. and Hong, J-Y. (2006) The Missense Genetic Polymorphisms of Human CYP2A13: Functional Significance in Carcinogen Activation and Identification of A Null Allelic Variant . Toxicol. Sci. 94(1):38-45.
Luo, H., Tang, L., Billam, M., Tang, M.,Huang, T., Yu, J., Wei, Z., Liang, Y., Wang, K., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., and Wang, J.-S. (2006). Phase IIa chemoprevention trial of green tea polyphenols in high-risk population of liver cancer: II. Modulation of urinary excretion of green tea polyphenols and 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine. Carcinogenesis. 27:262-268.
Billam, M., Tang, L., Cai, Q., Mukhi, S., Guan, H., Wang, P., Wang, Z. and Wang, J.-S. (2006). Seasonal Variations in the Concentration of Microcystin-LR Contamination in Lakes of West Texas. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 25(2):356-366.
McKean, C., Tang, L., Billam, M., Tang, M., Theodorakis, C. W., Kendall, R. J. and Wang, J.-S (2006). Comparative acute and combinative toxicity of aflatoxin B1 and T-2 toxin in animals and immortilized human cell lines. J. Appl Toxicol.26(2):139-147.
McKean, C., Tang, L., Tang, M., Billam, M., Wang, Z.,Theodorakis, C. W., Kendall, R. J. and Wang, J.-S (2006). Comparative acute and combinative toxicity of aflatoxin B1 and fumonisin B1 in animals and human cell lines. Food Chem. Toxicol.44(6):868-876.
Liu, F., Wang, J.-S., and Theodorakis, C.W. (2006). Genotoxicity and oxidative stress caused by sodium arsenate and sodium perchlorate in zebrafish Danio rerio. Environ Sci. Technol. 40:3429-3436.
Dash, B., Afriyie-Gyawu, E, Huebner, H. J., Porter, W., Wang, J.-S, Jolly, P. E.,Phillips, T. D. (2006). Noninvasive identification of inter-individual variation in xenobiotic metabolizing enzymes: implications for cancer epidemiology and biomarker studies. J Toxicol. Environ. Health A 69(13):1203-1216.
He, X-Y., Tang, L., Wang, S-L., Cai, Q., Wang, J.-S. and Hong, J-Y. (2006). Efficient activation of aflatoxin B1 by cytochrome P450 2A13, an enzyme predominantly expressed in human respiratory tract. Int. J. Cancer, 118(11):2665-2671.
Jolly, P., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W., Awuah, R., Nnedu, O., Phillips, T., Wang, J.-S., Tang, L., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Person, S., Williams, T. and Jolly, C. (2006). Determinants of aflatoxin levels in Ghanaians: sociodemographic factors, knowledge of aflatoxin and food handling and consumption practices. Int. J. Hyg. Environ.-Health209:345-358.
Xu, H.,Sun, G., Wang, S., Hu, X., andWang, J.-S (2006)Determination of aflatoxins and fumonisins in the corn and peanut on sale. J Environ Occup Med.23(3):217-219.
22 (5): 548-550.
Sun, G.-J, Wang, S.-K., and Wang, J.-S. (2006). The combined toxicity of two kinds of mycotoxin in Sprague-Dawley rats. Chin J Prev Med 40(5):319-323.
Tang, L., Jin, T., Zheng, X. and Wang, J.-S. (2005). Lycopene inhibits the growth of human androgen-independent prostate cancer cells in vitro and in BALB/c nude mice. J. Nutr. 135(2): 287-290.
Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Mackie, J., Dash, B., Wiles, M., Taylor, J., Huebner, H., Tang, L., Guan, H., Wang, J.-S. and Phillips, T. D. (2005). Long-term toxicological evaluation of NovaSil clay in the diet of Sprague-Dawley rats. Food Add & Contam. 22 (3): 259-269
Wang, J.-S., Luo, H., Billam, M., Wang, Z., Guan, H., Tang, L., Goldston, T., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Lovett, C., Griswold, J., Brattin, B., Huebner, H. J. and Phillips, T. D. (2005). Short-term safety evaluation of NovaSil in humans. Food Add. & Contam. 22 (3): 270-279.
Jiang, Y., Jolly, P. E., Ellis, W. O., Wang, J.-S., Phillips, T., Williams, J. H. (2005). Aflatoxin B1 albumin adduct levels and cellular immune status in Ghanaians. International Immunol. 17(6):807-814.
Xie, Y., Sun, G., Xiong, C., Wang, S., Wang, H. and Wang, J.-S. (2005). Determination of T-2 toxin in staple food from KBD families in Xinhai County, Qinghai Province. Chinese J. Fd Hyg., 17:157-159.
Wang, J.-S and Tang, L. (2004). Aflatoxin exposure and human liver cancer. J. of Toxicol, 23:249-271.
Tang, L., Tang, M., He, X., Busby, W. F., and Wang, J.-S. (2004). Tumorigenicity of airborne complex mixtures. J. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 18:134-140.
Sun, G., Xiong, C., Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Xie, Y. Wang, H., Shi, N. and Wang, J.-S. (2004). Comparison of contents of trace elements in wheat samples from the control and endemic Kashin-Beck disease areas. Trace Element & Health, 21:23-26.
Huang, T., Yu, J., Tang, L., Luo, H., Billam, M., Wei, Z., Liang, Y., Li, Y., Wang, K., Shi, J., Cui, Y., Zhang, Z-Q., Zhang, L., Sun, S., Martin, C. and Wang, J.-S. (2004). Phase IIa chemoprevention trial of green tea polyphenols in high-risk population of liver cancer: I. Design, clinical outcome, and baseline biomarker data. J. Int. Cancer Prev. 1:269-280.
Wu, Y., Lu, P., Wang, J.-S., Wang, J., Wan, S., Kensler T. W., Groopman, J. D. and Qian, G.-S (2003). Correlation between the genetic polymorphism of EPHX and susceptibility to hepatocellular carcinoma, Tumor, 23:287-289.
Sun, G.-J., Qian, G.-S., Jin, X.-P., Chen, J.-G., He, X., Wang S.-K., Jiang, Z-K., and Wang, J.-S. (2002). Assessment of aflatoxin exposure in residents with high incidence of liver cancer. J. Southeast University (Med.Sci.) 21:118-122.
Wang, J.-S., Abubaker, S., He, X., Sun, G., Strickland, PT., and Groopman, JD. (2001). Development of aflatoxin B1-lysine adduct monoclonal antibody for human exposure studies. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 67:2712-2717.
Wang, J.-S., Huang, T., Su, JJ., Liang, F., Wei, Z., Liang, Y., Luo, H., Kuang, S-Y., Qian, G-S., Sun, G., He, X., Kensler, TW., and Groopman, JD. (2001). Hepatocellular carcinoma and aflatoxin exposure in Zhuqing Village, Fusui County, People's Republic of China. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarker & Prev. 10:143-146.
Sun G, Qian, G-S, He X, Jing X-P, Wang J-S (2001). Measurement of serum aflatoxin-albumin adducts in high-risk populations of primary liver cancer. Health Res, 30:207-210.
Li, Y., Su, J., Qin, L., Egner, PA., Wang, J-S., Groopman, JD., Kensler, TW., and Roebuck, BD. (2000). reduction of aflatoxin B1 adduct biomarkers by oltipraz in the tree shrew (Tupaia belangeri chinensis). Cancer Lett. 154:79-83.
Sun, G., He, X., Qian, G.-S., Jing, X.-P., Wang, J.-S. (2000). The detection of aflatoxin metabolites in human urine using high-pressure liquid chromatography. J. Health Toxicol. 14:250-252.
Wang, S.S., O’Neill, J. P. Qian, G.-S., Zhu Y-R., Wang, J-B., Armenian, H., Zarba, A., Wang, J.-S., Kensler, T.W., Cariello, N. F., Groopman, J. D., and Swenberg, J. A. (1999). Elevated HPRT mutation frequencies in aflatoxin-exposed residents of Daxin, Qidong county, People’s Republic of China. Carcinogenesis 20 (11):2181-2184
Wang, J.-S, He, X., Mulder, P. P. J., Boere, B. B., Cornelisse, J., Lugtenburg, J. and Busby, W. F. Jr. (1999). Comparative tumorigenicity of the cyclopenta-fused polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, aceanthrylene, dihydroaceanthrylene, and acephenanthrylene in preweanling CD-1 and BLU:Ha mouse bioassays. Carcinogenesis 20:1137-1141.
Rashid, A., Wang, J.-S., Qian, G.-S., Lu, B.-X., Hamilton, S. R. and Groopman, J. D. (1999) Genetic alterations in hepatocellular carcinomas: association between loss of chromosome 4q and p53 gene mutations. Brit. J. Cancer 80:59-66.
Wang, J.-S, Shen, X., He, X., Zhou, Y.-R., Zhang, B.-C., Wang, J.-B., Qian, G.-S., Kuang, S.-Y., Zarba, A., Egner, P. A., Jacobson, L. P., Munoz, A., Helzlsouer, K. J., Groopman, J. D. and Kensler, T. W. (1999) Protective alterations in phase 1 & 2 metabolism of aflatoxin B1 by Oltipraz in residents of Qidong, People’s Republic of China. J. Natl Cancer Inst. 91:347-354.
Wang, J.-S and Groopman, J. D. (1999) DNA damage by mycotoxins, Mutation Res. 424:167-181.
Kensler, T. W., He, X., Otieno, M., Egner, P. A., Jacobson, L. P., Chen, B., Wang, J.-S., Zhu, Y.-R., Zhang, B.-C., Wang, J.-B., Wu. Y., Zhang Q.-N., Qian, G.-S., Kuang, S.-Y., Fang, X., Li, Y-F., Yu, L-Y., Prochaska, H. J., Davidson, N. E., Gordon, G. B., Gorman, M. B., Zarba, A., Enger, C., Munoz, A., Helzlsouer, K. J., and Groopman, J.D. (1998). Oltipraz chemoprevention trial in Qidong, People’s Republic of China: modulation of serum aflatoxin albumin adduct biomarkers. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarkers & Prev. 7:127-134.
Zhang, B.-C., Zhu, Y.-R., Wang, J.-B., Wu, Y., Zhang, Q.-N., Qian, G.-S., Kuang, S.-Y., Li, Y.-F., Fang, X., Yu, L.-Y., De Flora, S., Jacobson, L. P., Zarba, A., Egner, P. A., He, X., Wang, J.-S., Chen, B., Enger, C. L., Davidson, N. E., Gordon, G. B., Gorman, M. B., Prochaska, H. J., Groopman, J. D., Munoz, A., Helzlsouer, K. J. And Kensler, T. W. (1997). Oltipraz Chemoprevention Trial in Qidong, Jiangsu Province, People’s Republic of China. J. Cell. Biochem. Suppl. 28/29: 166-173.
Wang, J.-S., Couburn, J., Tauber, A. I. and Zaner, K. S. (1997).role of gelsolin in actin depolymerization in adherent human neutrophils, Molecul Biol Cell. 8:121-128.
Li, Y., Yokoi, T., Katsuki, M., Wang, J.-S., Groopman, J. D., and Kamataki, T. (1997). In vivo activation of aflatoxin B1 in C57BL/6N mice carrying a human fetus-specific CYP3A7 gene, Cancer Res. 57:641-645.
Mace, K., Aguilar, F., Wang, J-S., Vautravers, P., Gomez-Lechon, M., Gonzalez, F. J., Groopman, J., Harris, C. C. and Pfeifer, A. M. A. (1997). Aflatoxin B1-induced DNA adduct formation and p53 mutations in CYP450-expressing human liver cell lines. Carcinogenesis 18:1291-1297.
Wang, J.-S., Busby, W. F. Jr., and Wogan, G. N. (1996). Comparative percutaneous absorption and tissue distribution of [3H]diacetoxyscirpenol (anguidine) in rats and mice,
Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 140:264-273.
Wang, J.-S and Busby, W. F. Jr. (1996). Bacterial and human cell mutagenicity and mouse lung tumorigenicity of the oxygenated PAH, phenalenone, Fund. Appl. Toxicol. 33:212-219.
Wang, J.-S., Qian, G.-S., Zarba, A., He, X., Zhu, Y.-R., Zhang, B.-C., Jacobson, L., Gange, S. J., Munoz, A., Kensler, T. W., and Groopman, J. D. (1996). Temporal patterns of aflatoxin-albumin adducts in hepatitis B surface antigen positive and negative residents of Daxin, Qidong County, People’s Republic of China. Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarker Prev. 5 (4):253-261.
Groopman, J. D., Scholl, P. and Wang, J.-S. (1996). Epidemiology of human aflatoxin exposure and their relationship to liver cancer. Prog Clin. Biol. Res. 395:211-222.
Gange, S. J., Munoz, A., Wang, J.-S., and Groopman, J. D. (1996). Variability of molecular biomarker measurements from nonlinear calibration curves.Cancer Epidemiol. Biomarker & Prev. 5(1),57-61.
Soini, Y., Chia, C. S., Bennett, W. P., Groopman, J. D., Wang, J.-S., DeBenedetti, V. M. G., Cawley, H., Welsh, J. A., Hansen, C., Bergasa, N. V., Jones, E. A., DiBisceglie, A. M., Trivers, G. E., Sandoval, C. A., Calderon, I. E., Munoz-Espinosa, L. E. and Harris, C. C. (1996). An aflatoxin-associated, mutational hotspot in the p53 tumor suppressor gene occurs in hepatocellular carcinomas from Mexico Carcinogenesis 17 (5):1007-1012.
Wang, J.-S., Busby, W. F. Jr. and Wogan, G. N. (1995). Formation and persistence of DNA adducts in organs of CD-1 mice treated with a tumorigenic dose of fluoranthene. Carcinogenesis, 16(11):2609-2616
Wang, J.-S., Busby, W. F. Jr. and Wogan, G. N. (1995). Tissue distribution of DNA adducts in preweanling BLU:Ha mice treated with a tumorigenic dose of fluoranthene. Cancer Lett. 92:9-19.
Sastry, R., Wang, J.-S., Brown, D. C., Ezekowitz, R. A. B., Tauber, A. I., and Sastry, K. N. (1995). Characterization of murine mannose-binding protein genes Mbl1 and Mbl2 reveals features common to other collectin-genes, Mammal. Genome 6:103-110.
Wang, J.-S. and Busby, W. F. Jr. (1993). Induction of lung and liver tumors by fluoranthene in a preweanling CD-1 mouse bioassay, Carcinogenesis 14:1871-1874.
Wang, J.-S., Pavlotsky, N., Tauber, A. I. and Zaner, K. S. (1993). Assembly dynamics of actin in adherent human neutrophils, Cell Motil. Cytoskeleton 26:340-348.
Ginis, I., Zaner, K. S., Wang, J.-S., Pavlotsky, N. and Tauber, A. I. (1992). Comparison of actin changes and calcium metabolism in plastic- and fibronectin-adherent human neutrophils, J. Immunol. 149:1388-1394.
Wang, J.-S., Busby, W. F. Jr. and Wogan, G. N. (1990). Comparative tissue distribution and excretion of orally administered [3H]-diacetoxyscirpenol (anguidine) in rats and mice, Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 103:430-440.
Busby, W. F. Jr., Wang, J.-S., Stevens, E. K., Padykula, R. E., Aleksejczyk, R. A. and Berchtold, G. A. (1990). Lung tumorigenicity of benzene oxide, benzene dihydrodiols and benzene diolepoxides in the BLU:Ha newborn mouse assay, Carcinogenesis 9:1473-1478.
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Wang, J.-S. and Xu, D. D. (1982). Absorption, tissue distribution and metabolism of Fusarium mycotoxins, Foreign Med:Public Health, 6:333-341.
Wang, J.-S. and Xu, D. D. (1982) Carcinogenicity, mutagenicity and teratogenicity studies of Fusarium mycotoxins from scabby wheat, Foreign Med:Public Health, 2:75-80
Published Reviews and Book Chapters:
Groopman, J. D. and Wang, J.-S (2008). Molecular Biomarkers in Comprehensive Toxicology, CRC Press, In press.
Wang, J.-S. and Groopman, J. D. (2008). Unit II: Biomarkers: Practical Aspects. Chapter 4. Physical/Chemical/Immunologic Analytical Methods. In: Molecular Epidemiology
and Biomarkers: Principles and Practices, 2nd Edition, IARC Press, Lyon, In press.
Wang, J.-S. (2008). Pathogenic and toxic effects of selected biological threat agents, Chapter 9. In: Advances in Biological and Chemical Terrorism Countermeasures, Kendal, RJ, Presley, SM, Austin GP, Smith, PN eds, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp229-241.
Jolly, P. E., Jiang, Y., Ellis, W. O. Wang, J-S., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Phillips, T. D., and Williams, J. H. (2008). Modulation of the Human Immune System by Aflatoxin, Chapter 5, In Mycotoxins: Detection Methods, Management, Public Health and Agricultural Trade. Leslie, J., Bandyopadhyay, R, Visconti, A eds., CABI Publishing Company, Oxfordshire, UK, pp 41-52.
Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Williams, J. H., Huebner, H. J., Ankrah, N-A., Ofori-Adjei, D., Jolly, P. E., Wang, J-S., and Phillips, T. D. (2008) NovaSil Clay for the Management of Dietary Aflatoxins in Human Populations. Chapter 25, In Mycotoxins: Detection Methods, Management, Public Health and Agricultural Trade. Leslie, J., Bandyopadhyay, R, Visconti, A eds., CABI Publishing Company, Oxfordshire, UK, pp301-307
Wang, J.-S. (2007). Interview with Jia-Sheng Wang, In Mold The War Within, Billings, K & Billings, L. A. eds, Partners Publishing LLC, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, pp 425-436.
Phillips, T.D., Afriyie-Gyawu, E., Wang, J.-S., Williams, J., Huebner, H. (2006). The potential of aflatoxin sequestering clay, D. Barug, D. Bhatnagar, H.P. van Egmond, J.W. van der Kamp, W.A. van Osenbruggen, A. Visconti, eds, In: The Mycotoxin Factbook, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 329-46.
Wang, J.-S. and Tang, L. (2005) Epidemiology of aflatoxin exposure and liver cancer, In: Aflatoxin and Food Safety, Hamed K. Abbas(ed), CRC Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, FL, pp195-211.
Groopman, J. D., Jackson , P. E., Wang, J.-S., and Kensler, T.W. (2002). Molecular Biomarkers for Liver Cancer, Comprehensive Toxicology, 23: 345-363.
Wang, J.-S, Links, J. M. And Groopman, J.D. (2002). Molecular epidemiology and Human risk monitoring.In: Molecular Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, OCIA International Press, London, pp147-166.
Wang, J.-S., Links, J. M. and Groopman, J. D.(2001). Molecular epidemiology and biomarkers, In: Choy WN Ed, Genetic Toxicology and Cancer Risk Assessment, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp269-296.
Wang, J.-S. and Groopman, J. D.(2000).Hepatic disorders. In Levy, BS and Wegman DH, Eds. Occupational Health:Recognizing and Preventing Work-Related disease, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia, pp631-639.
Wang, J.-S, Kensler, T. W. and Groopman, J. D. (1998) Toxicants in Food: Fungal Contaminants.In:Ioannides C Ed. Current Toxicology Series: Nutrition and Chemical Toxicity, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, pp29-57
Wang, J.-S. and Groopman, J. D. (1998). Biomarkers for carcinogen exposure: tumor initiation. In Walace, KB and Puga, A (eds). Molecular Biology in Toxicology, Taylor & Francis, Washington, DC, pp145-166.
Wang, J.-S. and Groopman, J. D. (1998).Toxic liver disorders. In Rom, WR ed. Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 3rd Edition, Lippincot-Raven Publishers, Philadelphia, pp831-841.
Groopman, J. D., Scholl, P., and Wang, J.-S. (1996). Epidemiology of human aflatoxin exposure and their relationship to liver cancer. In Walker, C et al (eds) Genetics and Cancer Susceptibility: implications for risk assessment, Wiley-Liss, New York, pp.211-222.
Groopman, J. D., Wang, J.-S., and Scholl, P. (1996). Molecular biomarkers for aflatoxins: From adducts to gene mutations to human liver cancer. Canad. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 74:203-209.
Groopman, J. D., Wang, J.-S., Scholl, P., and Kensler, T. W. (1995) Induction of aflatoxin carcinogenesis and mutational spectra. Proc. AACR 36:657-658
Xu, D. D. and Wang, J.-S. (1987). Research advances on trichothecene mycotoxins from scabby wheat, Chinese J. Fd. Hygiene 5 (1):17-25.
Wang, J.-S. (1982). Genetic Toxicology, Foreign Med:Public Health, 6:2861-2876
Excellence in Teaching Award for Basic Medical Sciences, awarded by Southeast University, China (1983-1985)
Distinguish Research Award for Food Safety, awarded by Jiangsu Province (1985)
National Research Award in Trichothecene Mycotoxicosis awarded by State Scientific Commission of the PRC (1987)
2006 Outstanding Faculty, TIEHH, TTU
Georgia Research Alliance Distinguished Cancer Research Scientist (2009-2014)
Fulbright Faculty, Fulbright Foundation, 2009
Chang Jiang Lecture Scholar, Chinese Ministry of Education (2009-2012)
Keynote Speaker, Latin-America Association of Mycotoxicology, July 2010
Excellence in Research Award, UGA College of Public Health, 2012
Distinguished Chinese Toxicologist Lectureship Award, American Association of Chinese in Toxicology/Society of Toxicology, 2013
UGA Athletic Association Professor in Public Health, 2013